COVID-19 Update
We hope you continue to remain safe and well. Secure Business Advisors remain open for business to support you and the needs of your business. We are closely following all government and public health guidance. We are working remotely providing video consultations along with telephone and email services. Please take care and stay safe.

A welcome return to face to face customer engagements

A welcome return to face to face customer engagements

6th of May, 2021

It was a real pleasure to be back working with a customer face to face in their premises, with their employees.

We have developed our virtual customer meeting style and structure over the last 12 months, learning new skills, and it works. For some of our customers, this will be a permanent feature of how we work together.

However, there are many aspects of how we support my customers that are more effective and efficient when we are with them and their team. In this instance, the specific risks were carefully assessed and methods carefully prepared and applied to remain safe and secure. This will be the model of how we manage these engagements going forward. It has been over a year since we have had that opportunity, it was a great session.

We are looking forward to getting out and about meeting with and working with customers face to face as we carefully and safely emerge from lockdown. If you would like a virtual or face to face meeting to explore how we can help you improve and grow your business then please get in touch. Thanks.


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