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A difficult operating environment calls for Innovation

A difficult operating environment calls for Innovation

4th of April, 2022

"It is a VUCA World on steroids"

That was the introduction to a Scottish Enterprise workshop this morning on Business Innovation.

Basically, it means that we all operate in a world of;





Added to this are constant technological progress and unlimited connectivity!

The key message. Innovation is a culture that businesses must embrace if they are to succeed in this environment.

There is a lot to think about here. My suggestion for all businesses no matter size, shape or sector is to do just that. Stop. Think about the issue and its causes. Identifying root causes will allow you to find an innovative solution to overcome or mitigate them. Not easy but also not impossible.

So, the world is a VUCA, and we need to be innovative.

If you would like our help to identify areas where innovation in products, processes and services will address issues with difficult trading conditions, please contact us.


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