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Focus on your key prioirities

Focus on your key prioirities

17th of January, 2023

Starting the year with a renewed focus on the important priorities for your business.

Ready-Aim-Fire is a simple business technique that I wholeheartedly recommend to all Business Owners and senior leaders within businesses.

It is a technique that relates to setting goals and targets for success and growth and leverages a more strategic approach to managing the business.

Ready is about getting into the mindset, and ring-fencing time routinely with your diary, to reflect on the important issues and opportunities within the business. This involves asking questions, researching the market, understanding your customer’s needs, reviewing current performance, analysing problems, and identifying barriers to growth.

Aim is setting specific goals and targets and defining clear plans and actions to achieve them.

Fire is critical. It is actually taking action and sustaining it. This involves taking the steps needed to deliver the improvement and growth. Fire requires a disciplined approach to ensuring that plans are implemented, actions are completed, and progress is measured and reviewed.

Without using all three, and in the right order (often we see Fire before Aim and Aim without Fire), business priorities are ignored, improvement opportunities are missed and growth is limited.

If you would like to know more about how Ready-Aim-Fire can transform your business please contact us.

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