COVID-19 Update
We hope you continue to remain safe and well. Secure Business Advisors remain open for business to support you and the needs of your business. We are closely following all government and public health guidance. We are working remotely providing video consultations along with telephone and email services. Please take care and stay safe.

New customers in adjacent markets

New customers in adjacent markets

28th of September, 2020

Do you have other markets for your products/services?

Your market doesn't exist in isolation. Just like a Venn diagram from way back in your school maths classes, examine how your market overlaps with adjacent markets.

In these adjacent markets are there customers, distributors and partners similar to those you already have? Even better, can you leverage your expertise and knowledge gained within your current market to competitively service these markets?

By investigating adjacent market places you will find great opportunities to expand your sales with lower investment and with lower risks.

Who said you what you learned in that dull maths class would never be of any use?


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